Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
On 3/2/10 I prayed for an 83 year old woman who could barely hear. The woman was saved and knew that she was going to heaven beyond a shadow of a doubt. When I put my fingers in her ears and prayed for the deaf and dumb spirit to leave her she started to hear well. I prayed a second time and she could hear me all the way at the door. She was smiling from ear to ear.
I was in Belmont Heights witnessing. A lady who was trying to get me to leave her alone, but I just loved on her. The Lord touched her and she began to weep. The spirit of bondage and depression was broken off her. The lady started coming on the bus and she became a member in February 2010. She received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in membership class. She tells everyone and is into the Word. She has been renewed.
On 3/1/10 I prayed for healing for a Spanish speaking woman in the nursing home. The woman had “mucho pain” 10/10. The pain decreased and I prayed again for the pain to be completely removed. The pain was completely gone challenging thing that I have ever done so far in my walk with God. When I started my internship, I also decided to move, right before campmeeting.